Origins 1
In the year 2024 life on earth changed forever. Until then, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence was an academic exercise conducted by scientists and billionaires. But a string of events led to the most amazing discovery ever made and one which confirmed that we as a species were not alone in the cosmos.
Almost everyone remembers or saw photos of the close flyby of comet Patterson in 2014. So close, in fact that some respected scientists believed it might impact the earth. Fortunately, all we experienced were a few nights of fantastic views and an amazing meteor shower that lasted a week. Astronomers were quick to point out that the comet had surprised all of us. And had it not been for the efforts of a few dedicated amateur astronomers, we would have had no warning of the comet at all.The scientists and their blazing example in the daytime sky were more than enough to loosen the political gridlock in the United States Capital. Facing an over-budget and behind-schedule space program, most space-friendly initiatives were quietly dealt with. However, in short order the American Congress passed legislation authorizing generous funding for an expanded space watch program to great fanfare. Finding and dealing with space rocks that could end human life as we knew it was good for business.
The stage was now set for one of the greatest discoveries in human history and it would change our course forever.
Someone asked me what I usde for this piece.
Painter X.
It has a great natural media feel to it and I was able to get some great effects.
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